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1 Piece 4 Ways: Gray T- Shirt

Recently, I made a random purchase of a gray V-neck T-shirt on sale from Old Navy for $4.50. By surprise, I am now'crazy in love' with it and have gone back to buy 2 more of the exact same basic T-shirt, in the exact same color! I know, I'm an admitted fashion addict, but I assure you this was necessary. Not only was the cotton T super comfy to sleep in (and happens to match almost any pair of boxers or night shorts I choose), but it's cute, heat friendly, and sturdy for a work-out shirt also! At this point, I can't tell you how many ways I've styled this shirt. So, I've decided to share my latest fashion obsession with you and 4 easy ways to rock this casual T-shirt in more sophisticated outfits. The best thing about this piece is how it can be dressed up or down in hundreds of ways, and you can get it for as low as $5! Check out this stylish staple and chic ways to rock it:

1 Piece: Basic gray T-shirt

Where to buy: Old Navy,  H & M, Department Stores, Gap, Online

Cost: $5 - $100 (average $15)

4 Ways:

  1. Skinny distressed jeans, cropped leather jacket, rocker bracelet, cocktail ring, cheetah print heels
  2. Leather skirt, suspenders, stripped blazer, statement necklace, mint green heels, ponytail
  3. Graphic print pants, orange cropped blazer, strappy wedge sandals, door knocker earrings
  4. Leather shorts, white blazer, art deco earrings, floral high heel sandals, pink lips, wild curly hair



The Wonderful World of Poshmark

TGIF fashionistas!

So, I just can't get off that money-saving train of thought from last week. As the belt squeezes tighter, and I waste away wait patiently to break out of money prison like Django reach my financial goals, I am honing my skills as a true fiscal fashionista, a bargain bunny. (<-- I made that up, but it's brilliant!) To that end, I've not only add clothing rental and subscription boxes to my bargain-hunting arsenal.. I've discovered the wonderful world of Poshmark!



What it is and how it works

Poshmark is basically the clothing co-op of your dreams. It's an online marketplace for buying and selling clothes, shoes, and accessories. There's an iphone and ipad app! 

Everyone has had clothes in their closet that they don't wear anymore (or have never worn) right? And I'm sure all of you have wanted to make some extra money off of those clothes, either to buy new ones that you will wear or for some other (amazing, important, brilliant) reason. I certainly have. Thing is, it's really inconvenient for me in New Orleans, because I don't always have the time or the inclination to drive down to Buffalo Exchange -- or whatever other buy-and-sell boutique I think will take my stuff -- and stand in line. Not to mention the ever-present challenge of some boutiques not being able to handle my bodaciously curvy, large sized clothes! (I can't tell you the number of places that don't carry large sizes and aren't interested in buying them.) 

All those problems are solved with Poshmark. Instead of finding a reputable place to buy your oh-so-fashonable cast-offs, or waiting for a clothing swap meet, you can sell, shop, and buy from the privacy of your own home.  You start by creating a short profile on the website, which connects to facebook. Start shopping and posting your own clothes for sale and you're off! 

The High Points

  •  Posting clothes for sale is easy and there's "Covershot", an instagram-like function on the app that lets add filters and effects to make your fabulous sale items look even more fab! 
  • The "Poshmark Promise" is a satisfaction guarantee that Poshmark will make everyone from buyer to seller happy and safe.
  • Sellers ship up to 2 lbs free with pre-paid shipping labels sent for each purchase. All you have to do is pack it and get it to the mailbox. 
  • Poshmark pays all credit-card processing fees so that you can take credit card payments for your sold items. No fees to withdraw your money from Poshmark once the sale is made. 
  • Use your credits and redeemable balance from your sales to buy fashion on Poshmark.
  • Poshmark protects buyers by not delivering payment until you verify you have received the items you bought.
  • Poshmark does all the customer support work for transactions. No dealing with the customer for you! (<-- As someone who's worked in retail, this is a reason to CELEBRATE!! #twerkmode)
  • Poshmark hosts themed group sales called "parties". You can add your items for sale to any party to increase their visibility. These also turn out to be a great place to start shopping.
  • Poshmark is linked into all the major social networks - facebook, instagram, pinterest, twitter. In fact, you link your facebook account to the site and app and it will let you know which ones of your facebook friends have been holding out on you! The more people you follow, the more closets you can shop.
  • Poshmark has a "shop my closet" widget for fashion bloggers. Yay! 

The Low Points

  •  There is no android app for Poshmark. I repeat, there is no android app for Poshmark. Noooooo app. None. Annnd... the app is the only way that you can post items for sale. At this point, all my android fashionistas must be making a gas face. I'm with you ladies, I'm one of you. But before you start marching on the apple store chanting GIVE US FREE... consider that you can still shop! And of course, like most apple-locked sites, they SWEAR they're busily working on an app for android and it'll come out anytime soon... 
  • Poshmark charges a whopping 20% on your sale as a "commission fee". Remember that margin when you price your items! To be fair, however, that is the only fee that is charged. Unlike paypal and others that have multiple fees, Poshmark only has one. A big one. 
  • 1-2 week shipping time for items!! What is this, 2002? 
  • Buyers pay shipping, which is a flat rate of 4.99 for items 25$ and above and 6.99 for anything else. Poshmark ships to the US only. 
  • Poshmark assumes that you received the shipment and all was well if they don't hear from you 3 days after the order was scheduled to be received. What's that old saying about assumptions again?
  • No return policy! Damaged, missing, wrong, and fraudulent items will basically be handled on a case by case basis. You have to contact customer support to get all that going.
  • You can't change your username after you pick it, so pick wisely.

My Poshmark Feed

So there it is, my breakdown of the wonderful world of poshmark. I hope that it becomes another tool in your bargain bag-o-tricks! Are you a poshmarker? Love it or hate it, share your thoughts with us on facebook or the comment box below! 


What to Wear When: You Have a Job Interview

By Sean McGrathIt seems like everyone around me is on the hunt for a job! What does that mean for me? Providing a lot of advice on resumes, cover-letters and, yes, interview fashion. For those of you who read my post about workwear, you'll notice that how you dress once you have a job is very different from how you dress to get a job. What kind of sense does that make? OK, that's valid, but I don't make the rules! I'm just here to make sure you know them.

Look for professional separates. Suits are great, easy ways to pull together a professional look and, for some positions, an absolute necessity. But if your interview is in a more casual office, separates are a great way to create a more stylish look, while sticking to the neutral color scheme suggested by hiring experts. Think of mixing a camel-colored blazer with navy pants. If you’re more adventurous (and the office even more casual), you may decide on a printed top, skirt or pants, balanced out with solids. Select items with modern cuts and details to project style without looking young or Bree

Find a good tailor or seamstress. If you discard everything else in this post, please pay attention to this. The difference between looking stylish and frumpy is often the good work of a great tailor. Whether you buy a new suit or just a new blazer to wear with something you already own, it won’t fit perfectly right off the shelf. For instance, if you’re buying a blazer, make sure it fits properly through the shoulders, can be buttoned without pulling and isn’t too short in the sleeves. As long as you have too much fabric, rather than too little, your tailor can very easily alter the blazer to fit you like a glove. That custom fit adds a level of polish and style that is simply unachievable right off the Bree

Use color smartly and sparingly. There is an inverse relationship between how formal you need to dress and how much color you should wear to an interview. In the most formal business environments, you may not be able to get away with anything, but if the office is business casual, try adding a stylish flair with a scarf or pocket square or perhaps even a blouse. Stick with cool colors, such as green or blue. A survey by The Ladders showed that executives responded negatively to interviewees wearing orange, red and bree

Accessorize with elegance. I love big, chunky, statement-making jewelry, but for an important interview, leave the cuffs and feathers at home. Pearls are a great option, and nicely complement a neutral palette. If you have a delicate necklace you never seem to have occasion to wear, now is it’s time. Stick with your fine jewelry, and keep it simple. Don’t layer up on necklaces, bracelets or rings. Keep it simple. Bonus: For a fun pop of color you can actually get away with, accessorize with a brightly colored handbag.

By Sean McgrathKeep your makeup professional. Now is not the time to try a smoky eye and falsies. Instead, wear a natural eyeshadow (look for something that is pretty close to your natural skin tone), pencil eyeliner and mascara for your eyes. Be sure to have you eyebrows groomed in advance! Foundation, a subtle blush and finishing powder is about all you’ll want for your face. No need for excessive contouring. Finish your look with a nude lipstick or gloss, and you’ll be good to go. The great thing about this look is that it’s simple enough to wear to work every day.

Choose the right shoes. Practical, attractive shoes can be hard to find, but you need them in your life. Wearing a five inch heel to an interview just isn’t a good look, even if they’re close-toed black pumps. Keep your heel height practical. As far as what type of shoe is appropriate, I like to stick with a basic pump to be safe, but peeptoes and slingbacks can be OK for more casual offices. Sandals, flip-flops, platforms and espadrilles, however, are never OK.

Miscellaneous grooming. Earlier I mentioned to be sure to have your eyebrows groomed before an interview, but they aren’t the only things that need grooming. Got a little peach fuzz on your lip or chin? Handle that.

While we're discussing body hair, let's spend a moment on your legs. If you're going to wear a skirt or dress, shave your legs. And then cover them with a pair of shear hose. I know it feels old-fashioned, but many hiring managers will still frown on bare legs, even in 2013.

Plan on wearing a peeptoe shoe? You need a pedicure—and not just any old pedi, either. Make sure you have your toenails cut short, squared off and polished a neutral color. Save the electric blue for after you get hired! Your nails should be a professional length, and match the color you selected for your toes. No nail art. Bree

Hair. For an interview, your hair should be neat, relatively simple and unadorned. Follow the same basic principles as my advice on at work hair, keeping in mind that you may want to put in a little extra effort since you’re making a first impression.


A Gathered Event: Star Taki Hair Lounge Opening

Gathered girls have good hair. Period. The Gathered Lady understands the power behind your coif looking well maintained and it's ability to finish off your look. That's why were so please to have our ATL affiliate Queen Aftan attend celebrity hair stylist Nataki Minix's grand opening of her salon Star Taki Hair Lounge in Atlanta. The event was chic with drinks severed by The Perfect Bartender, music by DJ E-Clazz, tasty delicacies and mingling with stylistas and celebrity guests such as Mimi Faust (Love and Hip Hop Atlanta). We spot several of this seasons hottest looks in the crowd. Check them out and get your weekly style inspiration quenched!


(R) Nataki Minix

Rocking summer shorts in sophistacted ways

Summer blazers can add sturcture and upgrade any outfit.

A true fashionista can wear separates like pants and tops and look fab.

Urban appeal is always a hot look if your rock it properly like these ladies.

Do you and your friends have hot style when you go out? Submit your cute pics to or connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram @ TheGatheredLady and if we like them, we'll share them.

Do you have a gathered event you would love for us to attend and share the fashionable experience in Los Angeles, New York, Atlanta, or New Orleans? If so, send us an email to or invite us via Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram @ TheGatheredLady!


Poise in a Pinch: How to get top quality for bottom dollar shipped to your door

I've been thinking a lot about money prison budgets and cutting my heart out spending lately, and being poised on a pinch. You know why? Because until I reach that champagne life that Ne-yo was singing about, I have to stick to a financial plan to make me reach my goals. That means tightening up the belt every once in awhile. It means choosing to pay for a fence around my house over a New York shopping spree or trip to the Dominican Republic. It means less date nights and fancy dinners with my hubby...saying no to gala event invites, concerts, and cultural events… sad day.

I’m depressed now. I think I’ll pamper myself back to happy with a spa day, mani-pedi, or some bath products… ohhh wait. Those cost money. *rattles money prison bars threateningly*

Another sad consideration that affects the fashion budget is how much gas costs! No more all day mall crawling or boutique shopping with these prices unless you live in walking or biking distance, or have awesome public transportation. (<- What would you do with the bags??) Even thifters need to weigh their options between the savings on threads and the gas burned to get ‘em (great reason to carpool, but also great risk of having your amazing finds poached by the fashion frenemies that rode along).

It’s sounding like a real no-win situation here, but trust The Gathered Ladies to do a little digging and keep you posted on tips and tricks to stay glam and pampered while stacking paper… in a savings account. Let’s discuss some new ways to get your hands on hot, expensive, clothes for pennies on the dollar without even leaving your house!

Clothing Rentals

Let’s start with the basics. If you’re pressed to have just the right outfit for that special occasion or formal event, clothing rental is a great option.

Rent the Runway – The most well known of online clothing rental/retail sites, Rent the Runway allows a shopper to select designer clothing, jewelry, accessories, and other essential for a fraction of the retail price. Rentals are for a 4 or 8 day period, return shipping is included, and so is the cleaning and maintenance of the items. Prices vary by item and rental time. They’ll even ship 2 sizes at a time!

Pros: user-friendly website, expensive stuff for cheap, retail as well as rental, reputable, no regrets policy.

Cons: No plus sized selection. Only 1-2 days to return clothes, no shoes for rental, more for special occasions than ready-to-wear.

Gwynnie Bee – Gwynnie Bee is a clothing rental site specifically serving sized 10-28 with great fashion. Shoppers subscribe to the site, pay a monthly fee, and maintain a virtual “closet” from GB’s curated collection composed on popular plus-sized fashion designers. The closet works like a Netflix queue. Monthly subscription fees range from 35$-159$ per month. Clothing comes 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, or 10 pieces at a time, with pre-paid return shipping and cleaning of clothes.

Pros: keep the clothes as long as you want, option to buy a rented piece, large sizes, personal style consultation, first month free

Cons: smaller collection, no smaller sizes

Bag Borrow or Steal – Made famous by the Sex and the City Movie, this handbag and accessories rental giant is still going strong. Their service is totally about making the best designer bags and accessories accessible. On their site, you can rent, buy, and even sell!

Pros: authenticity guaranteed, reputable, huge selection, designer shoes sold on the “private sale” part of the site, free standard shipping on all orders. Separate handbag cleaning service. You can sell authentic designer bags that you did not rent or buy on the site!

Cons: only sale bags rent for <100$, rental period is only 1 month. 

Box Subscription Services 

An even newer hot trend is box subscription. Users subscribe to these services and are sent boxes full of fashion, beauty products (full size and deluxe, or samples depending on the service), hair products, food, panties… even socks… monthly! The main difference between rental and subscription is that the fee is the only charge, and most of the time you have literally no control over what you’re sent. It’s like a mystery box full of girl power and ovarian glitter appears in your mailbox every month! For a really thorough inventory of different fashion and beauty subscription sites and reviews of their boxes, check out My Subscription Addiction. We’ll just cover some of our faves here to whet your appetite. 

Le Tote -  Le tote charges a monthly fee (49$) and works off of a queue like Gwynnie Bee, but the twist on this one is that you’re not in charge of it. Instead Le Tote allows you to create a profile to define your style. They curate a “tote” of 3 garments and 2 accessories from your “infinite closet” and ship them to you for free free free. Every tote is a surprise. Keep as long as you want. When you return the items (unless you want to buy), a new tote is sent!

Pros: keep clothes as long as you want, option to buy, no shopping required

Cons: no shopping required (?!), no plus size selection


Birchbox is one of the oldest and most popular beauty subscription boxes out there and has a great reputation for being able to introduce lovely ladies to their next favorite things.  I have friends who swear by this service, which sends 4-5 high end beauty samples and lifestyle samples (think tea, snack, candle). This box also has a 10$ monthly fee, the lowest we’ve heard of, so you know we had to include it in our poised in a pinch post!

Pros: high end products, no shopping required, super low cost.

Cons: sample size only 

Juniper markets itself as “the smarter way to manage your period”. We had to include this one for sheer ingenuity! Every month, subscribers receive their favorite brand of tampon shipped by mail, as many as needed. Along with the essentials to ward off Aunt Flo the monthly red bomber, Juniper thoughtfully and lovely packs deluxe pamper and comfort items (think gourmet honey, tea, chocolate covered pretzels, beauty samples… everything you didn’t know you required until this box started arriving). The fee? 28$ a month. Sold!

Pro: no period panic, no buying a multi-pack of tampons of which half are USELESS(!), no store embarrassment, discrete packaging, snacky-poos and treats to pamper yourself.

Cons: ummm?

So that’s all that I can pack in for today folks! (<--see what I did there?) Make sure to check out My Subscription Addiction for an even more comprehensive list of boxes to buy.

Want to share your box or rental review with us? Email or facebook to share and if we like it, we’ll share it! 


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